Mark your calendars for our next meeting, Sunday 3rd March, 2pm set up--2:30pm we swap! Bring anything from the kitchen or garden to share.

Last meeting, on the 18th of February, a lovely group gathered to share. Many repeat faces and a few newbies joined. Seedlings, flower bulbs, herbs, capsicums, cuc's, tomatoes, squash, eggs, beans, and various fruit were on offer. We look forward to seeing you at a meeting in the future. Please come along, whether you have an abundance to share, or just at little at the moment. It is about the joy of sharing rather than a one-for-one swap.

Table overflowing with produce, surrounded by swappers.

I've repeated the below from previous updates so you know what to expect.

How it all works:

  • 2-2:30pm time to set up and check out everyone's offerings and catch up.

    • Everyone displays what they brought to share on the table for admiring.
    • A good time to ask others about their gardens and meet your neighbours
  • 2:30 pm we welcome you all and then we pick out new goodies to take home!

    • We'll go around and introduce ourselves and what we brought.
    • It is not direct swapping, potentially everyone can get a little bit of everything.
    • If you can, bring large things like pumpkins or bread cut up to share.
  • Usually all is done by 3pm.

Ideas for what to bring:


    • Whatever you have heaps of!
    • Little plants that have come up from seed. Bung them in some damp newspaper and bring them along!
    • Seeds, cuttings, cut flowers, excess plants.
    • Be creative-- others may not have little things you take for granted like: lemons, little bunches of herbs, bay leaves, etc.

    • Preserves, pickles, chutney, sourdough starter, kombucha, sauerkraut, cordials.
    • Baking! Muffins, crackers, bread, cake (everyone loves cake) cookies.
    • Sprouted seeds.
    • Extra jars you would be recycling but others may want to make jams or chutneys in them.

Get picking and come to share, love to see you there.

(See Crop Swap Aotearoa for more about the values of crop swaps meeting all around New Zealand.)

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